The Schoolhouse


Note: This is done without a doc to copy and paste from, come up with straight in the Neocities, and thus the writing will be very rambly and long. Apologies.

delete when done, Relevant Docs: Attempt 2, a Giant Bus of Stuff, The Baker Morgan Vilrach, The Triplets.

Based around Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning, and Baldi's UNREAL Basics in Education and Learning, with a little bit of Advanced Education with Victor Strobovski, at least in the core concept, the Schoolhouse is quite cool.

From the Outside, the Schoolhouse seems averagely sized and unnasuming, though the fact that there is a singular schoolbus outside is odd. One would think that it would take more busses to ferry students to and from. The fact that the schoolhouse lacks a name would also be quite concerning.

Heading inside, the place will continue to look like an unassuming place, albeit one with tons of classrooms and random staff rooms that can't be opened.

The weirdest thing about the Schoolhouse is that the interior is too large to logically fit in the exterior, despite being inside of it. The second weirdest thing is that the hallways are empty despite the lights being on.

After about a minute of walking, one will encounter the Principal's Office, which, just as in Baldi's Basics, has pictures with bios of the small amount of students and Staff found inside. Along with this, The Principal herself will be sitting at the desk drinking her cup of morning justice. A list of Students and Staff will be provided below, with their Office-Given bios. For further information, check their respective pages.

Other features of the school include lockers of various colors, soda machines of various types including BSODA, many different kinds of rooms including Staff Rooms, Classrooms, Lunch Rooms, Gyms, and the Central Courtyard. The farther in one gets the bigger the place seems to get. Towards the very back is a strange pitch black Hallway that leads deeper into the building, but that's a story for a different page. Now, into Schoolhouse Bios!

Principal K.

The Principal of the schoolhouse. Punishes rulebreakers with fast and swift justice, and will not tolerate repeat offenders. "Your parents will hear about this one!"

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